Showing: 1 - 9 of 18 RESULTS

Glyphosate Herbicide

Glyphosate is an herbicide used to kill weeds. It’s the active ingredient in Roundup and other weed killers, and can cause a variety of side effects. Recent lawsuits have claimed exposure to glyphosate in Roundup has led to certain cancers, including non-Hodgkin lymphoma. What Is …


Roundup Weed Killer

Roundup is a popular residential and commercial weed killer made with glyphosate. Farmers, landscapers and agricultural workers have used it since 1974. However, some studies have linked heavy glyphosate use to an increased risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other cancers. What Is Roundup? Roundup is …

Art Garden Gastronomy Gourmet Herbs

Bleu’ Alchemy Cottage Market Garden

Phase one of the herb, fruit and vegie garden accomplished! Bay Laurel, Dill, Parsley, Rosemary, Lime, Cinnamon, Anise Basil, Marshmallow, Horseradish Root, Lemon Verbena, Lemon Balm, French Tarragon, Angelica, Lavender, Lambs Ears, Foxglove, Belladona, Winter Savory, Garlic, Sweet Williams, Pansies, Roses, Curry, Orange, Rose and …

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