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Sourdough Bread Starter

Today, since Winter has decided to linger, Punxsutawney Phil having seen his shadow and determined that we will have six more weeks of Winter, I have started a Sourdough starter for the first time in my life. I really cannot believe I have never done this before, it looks so simple. Fingers crossed, I have already started the compulsive act of checking it for signs of natural growth.   I feel so accomplished when creating with my hands. It just brings back such wonderful memories of my beautiful Momma who could truly create a masterpiece from what appeared to be nothing in her pantry. A child born in the 1920’s full of stories of the “old days” when families loved and lived together, Sunday dinner was an weekly event and times were simpler and because of that simplicity appeared to be so much happier and easy. Truly the simple from scratch art of cooking of the bygone days is today’s art of gourmet cooking. In those times kitchen gardens were a true staple of every household, not to mention a necessity and wonderful source of food and fresh herbs.  So many stories about all of the people who were of so much importance in her life, that I had and never would have the opportunity to meet as they had passed over already before my time, being a child of the 60’s.  I relished her many stories and am so thankful for the time that I took to listen to her talk about the “old days”, being an natural born introvert and an avid reader which made me very much of a homebody when I was a little girl.


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