Making Spiced Peach Preserves. There is literally no greater joy and sense of accomplishment that you can bestow upon yourself then to create lovely food masterpieces in your own home kitchen. My home kitchen is absolutely my place of solace were artistic creativity is always my mode of operation.

Remember WHO you are! It’s a game changer!!

Summer in the deep South is not only a season, a climate, it’s a dimension. Floating in it, one must be either proud or submerged.

Eugene Walter

That sinuous southern life, that oblique and slow and complicated old beauty, that warm thick air and blood warm sea, that place of mists and languor and fragrant richness…

Anne Rivers Siddons

Sing me a love song in a slow, southern drawl to the tune of sunny days…

Kellie Elmore



Would you like to throw a stone at me?

Here, take all that’s left of my peach.

Blood-red, deep:

Heaven knows how it came to pass.

Somebody’s pound of flesh rendered up.

Wrinkled with secrets

And hard with the intention to keep them.

Why, from silvery peach-bloom,

From that shallow-silvery wine-glass on a short stem

This rolling, dropping, heavy globule?

I am thinking, of course, of the peach before I ate it.

Why so velvety, why so voluptuous heavy?

Why hanging with such inordinate weight?

Why so indented?

Why the groove?

Why the lovely, bivalve roundnesses?

Why the ripple down the sphere?

Why the suggestion of incision?

Why was not my peach round and finished like a billiard ball?

It would have been if man had made it.

Though I’ve eaten it now.

But it wasn’t round and finished like a billiard ball;

And because I say so, you would like to throw something at me.

Here, you can have my peach stone.


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Artist Gastronomist Gourmet Patissier Gardener Herbalist Viticulture Entrepreneur Writer Traveler Vintage Traditionalist

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